Puget Sound
Subtidal Data
Site Description:
site covers the subtidal areas of Puget Sound. The data
represents specimens found below 10 meters, and some as deep as 200
meters. This page will present the species which are never,
or very rarely seen, in the shallow subtidal or intertidal shorelines.
It will also include some common intertidal species which are
also common in deeper water. The list is by no
means complete and only represents some sampling data taken from
various scientific surveys, fishing, and diver observation.
Google Map
Species List:
Following is a list of mollusk species observed at this
location by members and associates of the club. This is by no
means a complete list of the species which may occur at this site.
Revisions and additions to the data are made as we acquire new
information. When a site contains more than one very distinctive
type of habitat or if multiple sites were included in a single
location, then a
species list for each is included.
Chlamys hastata
Chlamys rubida
Compsomyax subdiaphana
Crassadoma gigantea
Delectopecten vancouverensis
Glycymeris septentrionalis
Humilaria kennerleyi
Keenaea centifilosa
Modiolus modiolus
Modiolus rectus
Mya truncata
Mytilus californianus
Neaeromya rugifera
Nuculana minuta
Nutricola lordi
Pandora filosa
Panomya sp.
Panopea generosa
Patinopecten caurinus
Pododesmus macrochisma
Semele rubropicta
Tresus capax
Tresus nuttallii
Zirfaea pilsbryi
Callianax baetica
Callianax biplicata (found dead, maybe dumped by boater?)
Crepidula sp.
Crepipatella lingulata
Cryptonatica aleutica
Diodora aspera
Epitonium indianorum
Fusitriton oregonensis
Haliotis kamtschatkana
Nassarius mendicus
Neostylidium eschrichtii
Neptunea lyrata
Neptunea phoenicea
Neptunea smirnia
Neverita lewisii
Ophiodermella inermis
Nudibranchs/Sea slugs
Acteocina cerealis
Aeolidia loui
Aeolidia papillosa
Antiopella gelidus
Armina californica
Berthella chacei
Elysia hedgpethi
Rictaxis punctocaelatus
Tritonia exsulans
see also the extensive list of nudibranchs observed subtidally on the Bremerton to Port Orchard page
Cryptochiton stelleri
Doryteuthis opalescens
Enteroctopus dofleini
Rossia pacifica
This page last revised: 7-2-2024