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Pacific Northwest Shell Clubn

Pacific Northwest Shell Club


Many of the articles are reprinted from "The Dredgings" - Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Shell Club

       Newly Added     Bivalves     Gastropods     Land/Freshwater     Other     Shelling Adventures     Miscellaneous

Newly Added

New species named for Greg Jensen  (pdf)

Notes on Mya arenaria Linnaeus, 1758 and New Canadian Records of Mya japonica Jay, 1857 from
Haida Gwaii, B.C.  (pdf)


The Angelic Imposter. The False angel wing clam Petricolaria pholadiformis (Lamarck, 1818),
of Willapa Bay, Washington  (pdf)

Commarginal Bittersweet - A New Clam Species to the B.C. Fauna  (pdf)

Discovery and collection of the Varnished Mussel, Vilasina vernicosa - A southern range extension and
a new Canadian record  (pdf)

Effects of Ocean Acidification on Early Developmental Stages of the Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas)
in an Aquaculture Setting  (pdf 10.5Mb)

Flap-tipped or Flat-tipped - the Penitella penita Flip-Flop  (pdf)

Giant Tridacna Clam - A Personal Perspective  (pdf)

Habitat use by juvenile mollusc species:  Nucella ostrina, Littorina scutulata and Mytilus trossulus  (pdf)

Hanging on by a byssal thread, The Asian Green Mussel, Arcuatula senhousia (Benson in Cantor, 1842)
in British Columbia, Canada and Washington State, U.S.A.  (pdf)

Harvesting Wrinkled Pen Shells, Pinna rugosa, in Baja California, Mexico (pdf)

Identifying our Large Intertidal Veneridae  (pdf)

In Search of the Duck-Bill Piddocks Netastoma japonicum and N. rostratum  (pdf)

Interior comparison of the shells of Intertidal Veneridae from the Pacific Northwest  (pdf)

Juvenile piddocks - another flip of the Flap-tip piddock, Penitella penita  (pdf)

Littlenecks for Food, Thought, and Enjoyment  (pdf)

Manifest Destiny - Clam Style  pdf  [Nuttallia obscurata]

Modiolus rectus Exposed  (pdf)

Modiolus rectus, The Mussel with a Mighty Byssus  (pdf)

Molluscs in Pholad Holes  (pdf)

Native Clams Facilitate Invasive Species in an Eelgrass Bed  (pdf)

New Distribution Records & Habitat Information for TAYLOR'S DWARF-MUSSEL, 'Musculus' taylori
(Dall, 1897)  (pdf)

New Species of Deepsea Bivalve Named for David McKay  (pdf)

A new species of deep-water bivalve, Ascetoaxinus quatsinoensis, from off the coast of Vancouver
Island, B.C.  (pdf)

A Northern Range Extension of the Washington Combmussel, Idas washingtonius (Bernard, 1978)  (pdf)

Nuttallia Notes:  Intertidal Distribution & the Presence of the Commensal Pea Crab, Pinnixa faba  (pdf)

Observations of Hiatella of the NE Pacific - B.C. Canada and Washington State, U.S.A.: Nestlers and
Hole-Huggers  (pdf)

Ocean acidification and its effect on the aquaculture industry  (pdf)

The Partly-Sculptured Crenella, Vilasina seminuda (Dall, 1897) and Varnished Kelp Mussel, Vilasina
vernicosa (Middendorff, 1849)      (pdf)

Pearl Found in Solen sicarius  (pdf)

Penitella Piddocks in Peat and Petrified Wood  (pdf)

[Paphia] Protothaca restorationensis Frizzell, 1930 - Series of 3 articles  (pdf)

Range Extension for Saxidomus nuttallii Conrad, 1837  (pdf)

A strange occurrence happening to siphons of Zirfaea pilsbryi in Puget Sound  (pdf)

A Superabundance of Rarity [Ida simpsoni] (pdf)

A Third Tresus Found in Pacific Northwest  (pdf)

Tresus allomyax - Not Just a Southern Species  (pdf)

Updating our knowledge of Rhamphidonta retifera on our West Coast  (pdf)

A "wreck" of Pacific horse clams, Tresus nuttallii, at French Creek, east coast of Vancouver Island, BC  (pdf)


An Exciting New Discovery:  the Lightly-sculptured Odostome snail, Evalea tenuisculpta (Carpenter,
1864) feeding on the siphon tips of the Fat Gaper, Tresus capax (Gould, 1850) in Vancouver Harbour,
British Columbia  (pdf)

An Extended Season (February - October) of Japanese Oyster Drill, Ocinebrellus inornatus, Egg Cases
in Ladysmith Harbour, B.C.  (pdf)

The Behavioral Ecology and Territoriality of the Owl Limpet, Lottia gigantea  (pdf 2.95M)

The best of both worlds:  A clever intertidal snail feeds on land and cools off in the sea  (pdf)

Capulus ungaricus and friends  (pdf)

Changing Climate, Changing Contexts: Variation in Rocky Intertidal Predator-prey Interactions Seen
Through an Environmental Stress Framework  (pdf-5.53Mb)

Clown Nudibranch - Now We Have Two  (pdf)

The Common Periwinkle, Littorina littorea, in British Columbia  (pdf)

Colour Variation in a Collection of Margarites pupillus (Gould, 1849)  (pdf)

Crepidula convexa Say, 1822 discovered in Willapa Bay, WA  (pdf)

Crepidula onyx (G.B. Sowerby I, 1824) collected in Puget Sound and Pacific Northwest Slippersnails  (pdf)

Development of cryopreservation methods for sperm of pinto abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) for
conservation aquaculture  (pdf 1Mb)

Direct Feeding on Kelp by Littorina and Lacuna snails (Family Littorinidae) in the NE Pacific  (pdf)

Expanded Northern Range of Acanthodoris rhodoceras in Oregon  (pdf)

Finding Ophiodermella  (pdf)

Freak Fissurellidea bimaculata (Dall, 1871) from Sooke, B.C. (pdf)

Gigantism in the Micro Gastropod - Alvania compacta (Carpenter, 1864)  (pdf)

Hoof Snails (Family Hipponicidae) of B.C. and Washington  (pdf)

I.D. of a Boundary Bay, B.C. Opisthobranch  (pdf)

Identifying the egg masses of some of our intertidal snails  (pdf)

Japanese Nassa, Hima fratercula (Dunker, 1860) is more widely distributed than previously thought  (pdf)

Limpet look-alikes, the False Limpet, Siphonaria thersites Carpenter, 1864 and the  
Northwest Onchidella Onchidella borealis Dall, 1871  (pdf)

Limpet Range Extension into BC  (pdf)

Massive mortality event of Purple Olive Snails, Olivella biplicata  (pdf)

Mollusca Non-Grata:  The influence of top-down control and residence time on the abundance,
distribution, and behavior of non-native marine snails in Washington State  (pdf 8.29Mb)

Mollusk Notes:  Neoteny in the Carinate Dove Shell, Alia carinata  (pdf)

Mollusc Notes: the Resurrection of Acteocina oldroydi  (pdf)

Morphological, Behavioral and Reproductive Inducible Defenses in Two Species of Intertidal
Gastropods  (pdf 1.1Mb)

New Records for the Distribution and a description of the egg capsules of the Japanese Nassa,
Hima fratercula (Dunker, 1860) Family Nassariidae in Ladysmith Harbour, B.C.  (pdf)

A northern range extension for Oldroyd's Fragile Moon Snail, Calinaticina oldroydii (Dall, 1897)  (pdf)

The Nudibranchs of the Salish Sea  (pdf)

Observations of Dendronotus iris, compilation of articles  (pdf)

Of Corncobs and Flat Artichokes  (pdf) [Neptunea]

Olivella pycna Berry, 1935, least known of the Pacific Northwest Olives  (pdf)

Our Common Leopard Dorid Nudibranch has been separated into two species  (pdf)

Our Little Southern Visitor, Acanthodoris rhodoceras  (pdf)

Plesiocystiscus politulus, another California species found in British Columbia  (pdf)

Population Biology and Reproductive Ecology of Chlorostoma (Tegula) funebralis  (pdf 2.56Mb)

Predation or Trawler Abuse  (pdf)

Promoting pinto abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) recovery in the Salish Sea:  The effects of
fluctuating temperature and elevated CO2 on survival, growth, and radula morphology (pdf - 1.8Mb)

The rare Elegant ribbed limpet, Scelidotoma bella (Gabb, 1865)  (pdf)

Records of the Red Abalone in British Columbia  (pdf)

The Secret Weapon of the Keyhole Limpet  (pdf)

Shell Sculpture and Ceratostoma foliatum  (pdf)

The snail dentist is in: Studying how tooth shape affects snail responses to a warming ocean  (pdf)

South of 49º N, but still not in the U.S. of A.!  (pdf)  [Retusa obtusa]

Subtidal morph of Paciocinebrina lurida (Middendorff, 1849) found on Ogden Point Breakwater in
Victoria, B.C.  (pdf)

A summary of new descriptions of Slipper snails Crepidula adunca G. B. Sowerby I, 1825 and Crepidula
norrisiarum M.B. Williamson, 1905  (pdf)

Survival, growth, and radula morphology of postlarval pinto abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) when
fed six species of benthic diatoms  (pdf 1.3Mb)

Tidal migration patterns moderate thermal risk in the intertidal snail Nucella ostrina  (pdf 3.74Mb)

Vampire Victims - Odostomids at work  (pdf)

The West Coast's Little Slit Shell, Anatoma kelseyi  (pdf)

With Micro Molluscs Every Sample is a grab-bag!  (pdf)


An emergence event of Hemphillia malonei (Malone's jumping slug)  WA, Thurston County, Rochester,
Capitol Forest, Cedar Creek Headwaters (tributary to Chehalis River)  (pdf)

An Ideal Season for Cepaea nemoralis in my neighborhood  (pdf)

An unexpected find of Carychium minimum Müller, 1774, an uncommon introduced land snail   (pdf)

Correlating personal weather station data with Allogona townsendiana activity observations at Crystal Springs
Park, Tukwila, Washington  (pdf)

Examining Fish Stomach Contents to Find a Rare Snail  (pdf)

Exotic species of land snails from Mount Vernon, Wa and Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver, BC (pdf)

A fourth snail is named for Terrence J. Frest [Euconulus fresti] (pdf)

Freshwater mollusc declines, local extinctions and introductions noted in five northern California
streams  (pdf)

Freshwater mollusks found during a survey for Potamopyrgus antipodarum  (pdf)

Invasion by Cernuella virgata in Tacoma (Update)  (pdf)

Land Snailing in Kitsap County  (pdf)

Marsh Snails in Boundary Bay  (pdf)

Modeling habitat suitability for the Rocky Mountain Ridged Mussel (Gonidea angulata), in Okanagan
Lake, British Columbia, Canada  (pdf 1.69Mb)

A new genus and species of arionid semi-slug found on Haida Gwaii in British Columbia [Staala
gwaii]  (pdf)

Notes on rapid human assisted dispersal of the Pacific sideband snail in Thurston County, WA  (pdf)

Pyrgulopsis robusta (Walker, 1908) in the Columbia River:  An Introduction  (pdf)

Shelling while looking for a comfortable deck chair to sit on  (pdf)

Some Georgia Land Snails  (pdf)

Springs and the minute snails that inhabit them in the Puget Sound region  (pdf)

Terry Frest Honored with having a new species of freshwater snail named for him  (pdf)

Two additional western United States freshwater snails named for Terrence Frest  (pdf)

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Rejects Fourteen Freshwater Snails of Twenty-six Pacific Northwest
Mollusks Proposed for Listing and sets a Dangerous Precedent  (pdf)

Watching for Cepaea nemoralis to emerge from hibernation adds fun to late winter walks with my
dog  (pdf)

When is Spring Sprung? A New Interpretation  (pdf)

Zonitoides nitidus, one more new species find for me while walking my dog Zoe  (pdf)

     Corbicula fluminea:

The Asiatic Clam (Corbicula fluminea) found for first time in the Fraser River  (pdf)

The Asiatic Clam (Corbicula fluminea) 'Rediscovered' on Vancouver Island  (pdf)

The invasive Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea, found living in Lake Whatcom  (pdf)

Results of a visual survey of the lower Fraser River for the Asian Clam, Corbicula fluminea Mũller,
1774  (pdf)

     Potamopyrgus antipodarum:

A first report of the New Zealand mudsnail in British Columbia  (pdf)

Capitol Lake Update - New Zealand mud snail  (pdf)

A comparison of successful and unsuccessful invasive lineages of the New Zealand mud snail  (pdf)

New Zealand Mud Snails Found in Capitol Lake, Olympia, WA  (pdf)

Other Mollusks and Invertebrates

2nd Hand Snails via Hermit Crab By-catch - or - Let the Hermit Crabs do the work!  (pdf)

Can't take the heat? get out of the tidepools:  evaluating the grazing performance and
thermoregulation efficiency of gumboot chitons  (pdf)

Chitoning the Salish Sea  (pdf)

Dentalium Encounters  (pdf)

Escapes of the Bobtails  (pdf)

A Growth Series of our Gumboot Chiton   (pdf)

The Harrowing Dilemma of a Female Pea Crab (pdf)

Illustrated Keys to the Chitons (Polyplacophora) of the Eastern Pacific  (revised 2018) (pdf 2Mb)

It Happened One Night  (pdf) [Loligo opalescens]

Mini-ecosystem or Seafood Smorgasbord?  (pdf)

Molluscs Associated with a Long-Line West Coast Oyster Farm  (pdf)

Occurrence of the mudworm Polydora in a Manila clam and cockle  (pdf)

A Parting Gift  (pdf) [sea star stomach contents]

Sea Star Catastrophe  (pdf)

Some observations of mass die-off of gumboot chitons  (pdf)

Spawning Season at Deception Pass  (pdf) [Mopalia swanii]

The Straight Hermit Crab  (pdf)

Things may not be what they seem  (pdf)

Wasting-like lesions occurring on California Sea Cucumbers  (pdf)

Field Trips/Shelling Adventures

A Micro Vacation on Roatan - 2013  (pdf)

A Mother Lode! - 2018  (pdf)

An Icelandic Stopover - 2013  (pdf)

An Outing to Port Orchard - 2012  (pdf)

Collecting Microshells from Weed Washings - 2014  (pdf)

Field Trip - Oak Bay & Marrowstone Island - 2018  (pdf)

Field Trip - Point Whitehorn Park - 2019  (pdf)

The Role of Serendipity in Shell Collecting  (pdf)

Thetis Island Field Trip - 2012  (pdf)

Two new species were found during a club field trip to Marrowstone Island - 2009 (pdf)


Could microbes be both rapid degrader and key constituent of predator risk cues?  (pdf)

A Focus Stacking Setup for Shell Photography  (pdf)

Happy 50th Birthday PNWSC (pdf)

How drift bottles were used to map Northern Pacific ocean currents in the 1950's (pdf)

In Memoriam - Alan Kohn, 1931-2022  (pdf)

In Memoriam - Ann Smiley 2018  (pdf)

Luta incognita...   (pdf)

New Names for Some Pacific Northwest Locales  (pdf)

Remembering Tom Rice, 1939-2022  (pdf)

Vintage Olympia and Pacific Oyster Bottles and Lids  (pdf)

Citation:  Pacific Northwest Shell Club, www.PNWSC.org

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This page last revised:  10-20-2024