Pillar Point County Park 

Clallam Co., WA

Site Description:       

This site is on the north side of the Olympic Peninsula and faces the Strait of Juan de Fuca.  It is a very large sandy tide flat.  The west side is all sand with an area of mud near the shore on the west end where a creek enters the beach.  The eastern portion is interspersed with areas of large rocks covered in seaweed.

Google Map

                                                                Facing west along the Strait
                                                                 Facing east along the Strait     

Species List:

     Following is a list of mollusk species observed at this location by members and associates of the club.  This is by no means a complete list of the species which may occur at this site.  Revisions and additions to the data are made as we acquire new information.   When a site contains more than one very distinctive type of habitat or if multiple sites were included in a single location, then a species list for each is included.
    We indicate frequency of occurrence based on our observations.  This is an indicator of how likely it is that you may be able to find this species yourself and is not a formal population survey.  

     Frequency Code:  (Based on the assumption that you are looking in the appropriate location where the species
                                          likes to live - on rocks, in sand, etc.
 Some populations fluctuate seasonally.  Ours are based
                                          on the spring/summer seasons.
     [4] - Rare - very difficult to find, maybe only a couple found after repeated visits to the site
     [3] - Uncommon - difficult to find, may not see on every trip but dedicated searching may turn up a few
     [2] - Common - easy to find, should locate a number of them on any given day
     [1] - Abundant - very easy to find, large numbers should be seen on every trip

Data is all intertidal unless noted.

Callithaca tenerrima  [3]
Clinocardium nuttallii  [1]
Leukoma staminea  [2]
Macoma inquinata  [2]
Macoma nasuta  [2]
Macoma secta  [2]
Mactromeris polynyma  [3]
Magallana gigas  [1]
Mya arenaria  [2]
Mytilus californianus  [2]
Mytilus complex  [1]
Nuttallia obscurata  [2]
Saxidomus gigantea  [1]
Siliqua patula  [4]
Tresus capax  [1]
Tresus nuttallii  [1]
Venerupis philippinarum  [3]
Callianax biplicata  [4]
Lacuna sp.  [3]
Lirabuccinum dirum  [1]
Littorina scutulata  [1]
Littorina sitkana  [1]
Lottia digitalis  [3]
Lottia pelta  [1]
Lottia persona  [1]
Lottia scutum  [2]
Nucella lamellosa  [3]
Nucella ostrina  [2]
Paciocinebrina lurida  [4]

Katharina tunicata  [2]
Mopalia muscosa  [3]

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This page last revised: 7-2-2024