Yoakam Point
   to Cape Arago

Adula californiensis  [4]
Clinocardium nuttallii  [4]
Crassadoma gigantea  [4]
Entodesma navicula  [4]
Hiatella arctica  [4]
Leukoma staminea  [4]

Macoma inquinata  [4]
Magallana gigas  [4]
Mytilus californianus  [1]
Mytilus complex  [1]
Penitella penita  [4]
Penitella richardsoni  [4]
Petricola carditoides  [3]
Pododesmus macrochisma  [4]
Saxidomus gigantea  [4]
Tellina nuculoides  [4]

Acmaea mitra  [4]
Alia carinata  [4]
Amphissa columbiana  [2]
Amphissa versicolor  [4]
Caesia fossata  [3-4] site dependent
Callianax baetica  [4]
Callianax biplicata  [2-4, depending on the year]

Calliostoma ligatum  [3]
Ceratostoma foliatum  [3]
Cerithiopsis sp.  [4]
Crepidula adunca  [4]
Crepidula nummaria  [3]
Crepidula perforans  [3]
Cryptonatica sp.  [4]
Diodora aspera  [4]
Epitonium indianorum  [4]
Eulithidium pulloides  [4]
Fissurellidea bimaculata  [4]

Haliotis rufescens  [4]  (both Haliotis have only
Haliotis walallensis  [4] been seen at Cape Arago)
Lacuna porrecta  [4]
?Lacuna variegata  [4]  
Lacuna vincta  [4]
Lirobuccinum dirum  [3]
Lirularia succincta  [4]
Littorina scutulata  [1]
Littorina sitkana  [2] 
Lottia asmi  [3]
Lottia digitalis  [1]

Lottia instabilis  [4]
Lottia pelta  [1]
Lottia persona  [2]
Lottia scabra  [4]  (only at Cape Arago)
Margarites pupillus  [3]
Marsenina sp.  [4]
Nassarius mendicus  [4]
Neostylidium eschrichtii  [3]
Nucella canaliculata  [2]
Nucella lamellosa  [4]
Nucella ostrina  [2]
Paciocinebrina interfossa  [4]
Paciocinebrina lurida  [3]
Odostomid sp.  [4]
"Odostomia" tenuisculpta  [4]

Opalia wroblewskyi  [4]
?Scabrotrophon maltzani  [4]
Tegula funebralis  [1]
Tegula pulligo  [4]
Trimusculus reticulatus  [3]  

     Nudibranchs/Sea slugs
Abronica abronia  [4]
Aeolidia loui  [4]
Aeolidia papillosa  [4]
Aldisa sanguinea  [4]
Berthella chacei  [4]
Cadlina luteomarginata  [4]
Catriona columbiana  [4]
Coryphella trilineata  [4]
Crimora coneja  [4]
Dendronotus albus  [4]
Dendronotus subramosus  [4]
Diaphoreolis flavovulta  [4]
Diaulula odonoghuei  [4]
Diaulula sandiegensis  [4]

Dirona albolineata  [4]
Doriopsilla fulva  [4]
Doris montereyensis  [3]
Doris odhneri  [4]
Doto amyra  [4]
Doto kya  [4]
Eubranchus rupium  [4]
Eubranchus rustyus  [4]
Geitodoris heathi  [4]
Hallaxa chani  [4]
Hermissenda crassicornis  [4]
Limacia cockerelli  [4]
Onchidoris muricata  [4]
Peltodoris nobilis  [3]
Rostanga pulchra  [4]
Triopha catalinae [4]
Tritonia festiva  [4]
Zelentia fulgens  [4]

Cryptochiton stelleri  [2]
Cyanoplax dentiens  [3]
Dendrochiton flectens  [4]
Katharina tunicata  [2]
Lepidozona cooperi  [4]
Lepidozona mertensii  [4]
Lepidozona radians  [4]
Mopalia hindsii  [3]
Mopalia kennerleyi  [4]
Mopalia lignosa  [4]
Mopalia muscosa  [2]
Placiphorella velata  [4]
Tonicella lineata  [3]

Enteroctopus dofleini  [4]

     Coos Bay
      (interior waters)

Adula californiensis
Clinocardium nuttallii
Entodesma navicula
Leukoma staminea
Macoma inquinata
Macoma nasuta
Macoma secta
Mya arenaria
Mytilus complex
Nuttallia obscurata
Ostrea lurida
Panopea generosa
Petricola carditoides

Pododesmus macrochisma
Saxidomus gigantea
Saxidomus nuttallii
Siliqua patula (only close to mouth of bay)
Solen sicarius
Tellina nuculoides

Tresus allomyax (only outside of bay)
Tresus capax
Tresus nuttallii

Alia carinata
Amphissa columbiana
Callianax biplicata (only close to mouth of bay)
Lacuna porrecta
Lacuna vincta
Littorina scutulata
Littorina subrotundata  (in marsh)
Lottia digitalis
Lottia pelta
Nucella lamellosa
Nucella ostrina

     Nudibranchs/Sea slugs
Aeolidia papillosa
Antiopella fusca
Dirona albolineata
Doris montereyensis

Mopalia kennerleyi
Mopalia lignosa
Mopalia swanii

Octopus sp.  [4]

Coos Bay 

Coos County, OR

Site Description:       

Coos Bay is along the southern coast of Oregon, just over a 100 miles from the border of California.  It is a typical estuarine bay where the Coos River enters the Pacific Ocean.  North of the mouth of the bay, the shoreline is a typical open coast sandy beach.  South of the mouth, there are many large rock outcroppings and headlands, with a few
small sandy beaches interspersed.  Our survey sites encompass a few areas just inside the bay and several rocky
sites to the south from Yoakam Point to Cape Arago.

Google Map

                                Cape Arago, South Cove

                                         Yoakam Point

                                    Coos Bay, Pigeon Point

Species List:

     Following is a list of mollusk species observed at this location by members and associates of the club.  This is by no means a complete list of the species which may occur at this site.  Revisions and additions to the data are made as we acquire new information.   When a site contains more than one very distinctive type of habitat or if multiple sites were included in a single location, then a species list for each is included.
    We indicate frequency of occurrence based on our observations.  This is an indicator of how likely it is that you may be able to find this species yourself and is not a formal population survey.  

     Frequency Code:  (Based on the assumption that you are looking in the appropriate location where the species
                                          likes to live - on rocks, in sand, etc.  Some populations fluctuate seasonally.  Ours are based
                                          on the spring/summer seasons.)
     [4] - Rare - very difficult to find, maybe only a couple found after repeated visits to the site
     [3] - Uncommon - difficult to find, may not see on every trip but dedicated searching may turn up a few
     [2] - Common - easy to find, should locate a number of them on any given day
     [1] - Abundant - very easy to find, large numbers should be seen on every trip

Data is all intertidal.  The interior waters location will not be rated for frequency as the data is incomplete.

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This page last revised: 7-2-2024