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Assiminea parasitologica Assiminea parasitologica
Assiminea parasitologica Kuroda, 1958
Asian Marsh Snail
Lives in salt marshes, introduced & invasive; has been found in several estuaries in Oregon;  distinguish from A. californica by the light colored band at the top of each whorl
Cecina manchurica
Cecina manchurica
A. Adams, 1861
Manchurian Cecina
Lives in brackish water (high intertidal),
an introduced species from Japan

Littorina subrotundata Littorina subrotundata Littorina subrotundata Littorina subrotundata
Littorina subrotundata (Carpenter, 1864)
Salt Marsh Periwinkle
Lives in salt marshes and at splash zone at high intertidal, native

Angustassiminea californica Angustassiminea californica
Angustassiminea californica (Tryon, 1865)
California Assiminea
Lives in salt marshes, native

Carychium minimum
Carychium minimum
Müller, 1774
Herald Thorn Snail
Lives in marshes, wet
meadows; introduced to
BC from Europe

Carychium tridentatum Carychium tridentatum
Carychium tridentatum
(Risso, 1826)
Slender Thorn Snail
Lives in moist leaf litter,
introduced to BC from Europe

Carychium occidentale
Carychium occidentale
Pilsbry, 1891
Western Thorn Snail
Lives in moist leaf litter, native

Cepaea nemoralis Cepaea nemoralis
Cepaea nemoralis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Banded Garden Snail
Lives in grasslands, woodlands, and urban gardens,
an introduced species from Europe; now widespread in the Northwest

Myosotella myosotis Myosotella myosotis
Myosotella myosotis (Draparnaud, 1801)
European Melampus
Lives in salt marshes,
an introduced species from Europe

Ancotrema sportella Ancotrema sportella Ancotrema sportella
Ancotrema sportella (Gould, 1846)
Beaded Lancetooth
Lives in damp woodland locations, native

Allogona townsendiana Allogona townsendiana
Allogona townsendiana (I. Lea, 1838)
Oregon Forestsnail
Lives in woodlands, native

Cornu aspersum
Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774)
Brown Garden Snail
An agricultural and garden pest,
an introduced species from Europe, edible;
now widespread in the Northwest
(previous name - Helix aspersa)

Land Snails & Slugs

(Oregon to Southeast Alaska)

Click on photo to enlarge.  Scale line in photo equals 1cm unless otherwise specified.

Lauria cylindracea
Lauria cylindracea
(da Costa, 1778)
Common Chrysalis Snail
Lives in gardens, parks and wastelands,
an introduced species to BC from Europe

Cochlicopa lubrica
Cochlicopa lubrica (Müller, 1774)
Glossy Pillar
Lives in urban and wasteland
, native

Oxychilus draparnaudi
Oxychilus draparnaudi
(Beck, 1837)
Dark-bodied Glass-snail
Lives in moist gardens and woodlands

Oxychilus alliarius Oxychilus alliarius Oxychilus alliarius
Oxychilus alliarius (Miller, 1822)
Garlic Glass-snail
Lives in moist gardens and woodlands

Monadenia fidelis Monadenia fidelis Monadenia fidelis Monadenia fidelis
                                                                  Monadenia fidelis (Gray, 1834)                                         albinistic specimen
Pacific Sideband
Lives in woodland areas, native

This page last revised: 6-28-2024
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Vallonia pulchella
Vallonia pulchella
(Müller, 1774)
Lovely Vallonia
Lives in urban and agricultural
areas, an introduced species
from the east coast

Invasive Species
Cepaea nemoralis/Cernuella virgata/Candidula intersecta
These three similar looking species are introduced to the U.S.  Cernuella virgata is considered extremely invasive.  If one encounters this snail, it should be reported to the appropriate State Wildlife Dept.  The Cepaea is similar in size to the Cernuella and both may be banded, but Cepaea does not have an open umbilicus (hole on the bottom).  The Cernuella and Candidula look very much alike but the Candidula does not get as big as Cernuella.

Candidula intersecta
Candidula intersecta (Poiret, 1801)
Wrinkled Helicellid
An introduced species from Europe, not yet widespread in the Northwest;
reaches 7-13mm wide, 5-8mm high

Cryptomastix germana
Cryptomastix germana
(Gould, 1851)
Pygmy Oregonian
Lives in conifer forests in leaf litter
and woody debris, native



Arion ater or rufus Arion ater or rufus Arion ater or rufus Arion ater or rufus Arion ater or rufus
Arion rufus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Chocolate Arion
Arion rufus is part of the Arion ater/Arion rufus complex, native to Europe.   Arion rufus has been introduced to North America and is very common and widespread.  The color can be variable from bright orange to black.  The foot may exhibit a color ranging from yellow to black.   Lives in gardens, parks and wastelands, and can be a serious plant pest.  
Arion ater has been shown to be a separate species.  Since the two species were once considered the same, some older references list A. ater as present in the Northwest.  This is not the case.

Ariolimax columbianus Ariolimax columbianus
Ariolimax columbianus (Gould, 1851)
Pacific Banana Slug
Lives in damp, wooded areas; native; second largest land slug in the world

Limax maximus
Limax maximus Linnaeus, 1758
Giant Garden Slug
Lives in gardens, along roads, wooded areas
and wastelands; introduced from the
area surrounding the Mediterranean  

Vitrina pellucida Vitrina pellucida
Vitrina pellucida (Müller, 1774)
Western Glass-snail
Lives under brush, aspen and other hardwood stands.  It cannot withdraw completely into its shell and actually falls into the same superfamily as many slugs.

Deroceras reticulatum
Deroceras reticulatum (Müller, 1774)
Gray Fieldslug
Lives in gardens, greenhouses, roadsides and fields; a common garden pest; introduced from western Europe 

Primary reference for this page: Burke, T.E. (2013). Land Snails and Slugs of the Pacific Northwest. Oregon State University Press.  

Citation:  Pacific Northwest Shell Club, www.PNWSC.org

Vespericola columbiana Vespericola columbiana Vespericola columbiana
Vespericola columbiana (I. Lea, 1838)
Northwest Hesperian
Lives in woodlands, native

Cernuella virgata
Cernuella virgata (da Costa, 1778)
Vineyard Snail
A highly invasive species from Europe,
detected in Tacoma, WA in 2005;
eradication efforts seem to be working;
reaches 8-25mm wide, 6-19mm high