Our History

1960 - The club was formed at the first meeting which was held on September 18th in Seattle, WA.  The club is initially
            named the Northwest Shell Club.  The dues at the club's inception were just $2 per person and $1 for junior
            members (under 18).  Read more about our founding member and the early years of the club in this special edition of the newsletter
             from February 1997
(pdf 16.3Mb).


1962 - The club became incorporated as a non-profit organization.
             Our first shell fair was planned to coincide with the 1962 Seattle World's Fair.  A display
             was installed in the Jonas Brothers of Alaska store at 6th Ave. and Pike St. and ran from
             October 11th through 14th.

1966 - Our club hosts the 19th Annual Meeting of the American Malacological Union - Pacific                    Division  
1968 - The First Annual Shell Show was held in April in north Seattle.  Shows are held
             sporadically over the next ten years.  

1961 - The first issue of the newsletter is produced in January by editor and founding
             member, Tom Rice.
             At the club's third meeting, Walter Eyerdam presents the club with
 its Triton Trumpet.
             Walter acquired it in 1930 from a New Guinea tribal chief
while he was with the
             Whitney South Seas Expedition. In the early years the
Triton was used to call the
             meetings to order.

             At the meeting for the 1st anniversary of the club, our name was amended to the
             Pacific Northwest Shell Club,
which better described our location.
 35 charter
             members began the club.  By the first anniversary, membership numbered 145 and
             it was the fastest growing shell club in the U.S.

Pacific Northwest Shell Club
The Watchman

Pacific Northwest Shell Club
Club Quilt

Pacific Northwest Shell Club
Club pin - Introduced
 in the1960's

Pacific Northwest Shell Club
1983 Decal
Pacific Northwest Shell Club
A new club patch in 1987

Pacific Northwest Shell Club
The club's first patch, 1961

New designs
 in the '80's

1971 - In October the club gives away its first scholarship award.  This is the first in
            many scholarship grants given by the club over the years (as funds permit), a
            practice that still continues today.
1974 - The 1974 Conchologists of America Convention is held in Seattle.  Several
            of our members assist.
1983 - The club co-hosts the 1983 Annual Meeting of the American Malacological
            Union.  To raise funds to support this endeavor, construction on a patchwork
            quilt was begun in 1981.  The squares were made by different club members
            using a variety of techniques, all with a shell theme.  The finished quilt was
            then raffled off to raise the funds necessary to host the meeting.
1980's - 90's - Shell shows become a more regular feature of the club, occurring
            every 2-3 years

2003 -  The club hosts the 2003 Conchologists of America Convention.  It is held in July in Tacoma.
              The Watchman logo is created for the convention.
2004 - Our first attempt at a website lasts only one year.
2008 - Our second website attempt is successful.
2010 - We celebrate our 50th anniversary. Three charter members are still part of the club.
             The digitization of the first 50 years of the club's newsletters is completed and they are made
             available on a DVD.     Read more about the club's beginnings and anniversary celebration here.
2020 - We celebrate our 60th anniversary in the midst of the coronovirus pandemic.  Formal
             celebration is postponed.  Our founding member is the last charter member still among us.
2024 - Looking forward to celebrating our 65th anniversary next year. While we have always embraced
             programs and articles on non-molluscan marine life, we now actively publicize this interest.

Pacific Northwest Shell Club
Pacific Northwest Shell Club


New logos for the 50th Anniversary
were created by Ray Bird.
These designs were used to create
buttons, hand mirrors, bottle openers,
and fridge magnets for members at
anniversary party. Ray also
created the poster (left).

Pacific Northwest Shell Club

Pacific Northwest Shell Club

Pacific Northwest Shell Club

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